The Global Seekers Project is the world's first scientific inquiry on individuals who are actively pursuing higher levels of consciousness, who we refer to as "Sincere Seekers."

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A Sincere Seeker is…

...A person who is cultivating a lifestyle to attain higher levels of consciousness, which go by many different descriptions, including but not limited to: enlightenment, nonduality, unity consciousness, awakening, persistent mystical experience, the peace that passeth understanding, persistent non-symbolic experience and so on.

The Global Seekers Project is the scientific world's first comprehensive effort to understand who these individuals are, in over 50 countries, and growing.

Sincere Seekers are rare. They are pursuing persistent changes in their level of consciousness, not just temporary states.

Many pursue greater well-being, deeper inner peace, a closer relationship with the divine, and other positive life aspects, yet relatively few are actually seeking the level of transformation involved in reaching higher levels of consciousness.

This is the first time that a global survey project has been undertaken to understand this population.

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There are roughly 5.9 billion people who affiliate themselves with a religion or consider themselves spiritual, out of the roughly 7.5 billion people currently in the world.

  • How many people are Serious Seekers?
  • What are they seeking?
  • How are they getting there?
  • Are they succeeding?
  • If so, what are they finding works?
  • If not, what are the barriers, and how are they finding ways to overcome them?
  • What can we learn from them?
  • What can they learn from each other?

No one knows, because no one has ever asked. Until now.

If you are one one them, you are very rare, and every single one of you is critical to the success of this undertaking.

Sincere Seekers Participation

If you are one of them, please consider joining our project.

Global Leader Partnerships

If you have a community of Seekers, we need your help!

The Importance of Sincere Seekers

Although Sincere Seekers have been around since at least antiquity, our preliminary data suggests that the global communication enabled by the Internet has increased both their number and success around the world.

The research conducted over the last several decades sheds light on the importance of these individuals to humanity's future. The higher levels of consciousness they are pursuing may even be a key to human survival.

Most of humanity is governed by a genome that was largely formed hundreds of thousands, to even a million or more years ago. Simply put, this genome is out of sync with the modern environment and the behaviors it is driving seems to be causing many of the problems our species is currently experiencing.

Research suggests that the individuals who experience higher levels of consciousness have undergone psychological changes that are more well adapted to our modern environment, and thus more likely to help us survive. While a great deal of research has gone into figuring out the psychology, sociology, biology and neurology of these changes, almost no work has been done into who is seeking to attain them.

Accordingly, we feel that these 'Sincere Seekers' are one of the most important groups on the planet to seek out, identify, understand, and serve -- something that science has not yet attempted.

The Challenge

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

Albert Einstein

Forty years ago, most people believed it would be impossible for science to study higher levels of consciousness. Since then, decades of enormous progress has been made that has benefitted a remarkable number of people worldwide. The Global Seekers Project represents the scientific community's first attempt to do the same with the population of people who are seeking to reach these higher levels of consciousness.

A special heartfelt THANK YOU to all our current participating partners!

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